Fantastic Four: 10 Best Female Villains |

The Fantastic Four count some of the greatest supervillains in Marvel Comics as their enemies, like Doctor Doom or Galactus. The majority of them are men, but a number of their adversaries in the last sixty years have been women. Some are fairly well known to comics readers, while others are a bit more obscure.

Allegiances often shift in comics - even Doctor Doom has worked with the FF at times - so it should be no surprise that some of their female enemies have been allied with the team on occasion. But all of them are powerful and potential foes for the Fantastic Four when they finally make their debut in the MCU in the coming years.

10 Karisma

Karisma is a fairly obscure villain from the classic run by John Byrne, who was responsible for some of the best Fantastic Four story arcs in the 80s. Her primary power was the ability to control men via a strange and powerful invention.

Karisma ingrained a special radioactive isotope in makeup products that she designed, which then allowed her to make men do whatever she wanted. The product didn't work on women, though, making her plans for criminal enterprise extremely vulnerable to the Invisible Woman.

9 Psycho-Woman

Fantastic Four fans are likely familiar with Psycho-Man, but may not be aware of his daughter, Psycho-Woman. In Fantastic Four Annual #32, she sought revenge against the team for their battles against her father.

Though her powers of emotional manipulation were essentially the same as his, there were some key differences. Her emotional focus was envy, disgust, and indifference, whereas Psycho-Man preyed on fear, hate, and doubt. She could also change her size at will, but it didn't help her achieve her goal of revenge.

8 Thundra

Thundra came back in time from the 23rd century to fight The Thing in single combat since she thought he was the strongest man on Earth. She is incredibly strong herself, easily his equal, and though she doesn't have his rocky exterior, she is almost as invulnerable.

Thundra has superhuman speed, stamina, and reflexes, all of which make her one of the greatest martial artists in Marvel Comics. Even with her superior combat skills, she also uses a number of weapons, including her favorite instrument, a linked chain.

7 Titania

Titania has been a member of the Frightful Four and a fairly regular antagonist of the Fantastic Four since her debut in 1985's Secret Wars event. She is incredibly strong, strong enough to take on The Thing and She-Hulk, who has since become her primary nemesis.

Titania is also extremely durable and highly reflexive, making her a challenging opponent in any fight. Her many battles with She-Hulk comprise a number of awesome storylines that the upcoming She-Hulk MCU series could adapt, especially since the character is slated to appear.

6 Lucia von Bardas

Lucia von Bardas is the prime minister of the fictional Marvel Comics country of Latveria, who rose to power after Doctor Doom was pushed out of the country. Augmented with cybernetic implants created by Doom, she's a powerful antagonist who has been a thorn for both the Fantastic Four and S.H.I.E.L.D.

Her implants allow her to fly and generate energy shields, making her secure against most forms of attack. She is susceptible to hacking though, as both Ironheart and Doom himself have demonstrated in combat against her.

5 Medusa

Medusa is one of the most powerful Inhumans and has been an enemy of the Fantastic Four at times. While a member of the original Frightful Four, she used her copious red hair as he primary weapon.

Through psionic control, she can manipulate her long, flowing hair into whips, lashes, or rope. Her hair is incredibly strong, with the tensile strength to lift an enormous weight. It's also highly resistant to damage of any kind. Because she's an Inhuman, Medusa is also super strong, agile, and durable.

4 Malice

Malice is a psionic entity that took over the mind of the Invisible Woman, with the unwanted assistance of the Psycho-Man and his soldier, Hate-Monger. Since she was in control of Sue Storm, Malice had all of Sue's powers at her disposal.

Not only could Malice turn invisible, but she was also able to make others invisible, generate force fields, and in some cases create invisible projectiles. Because of this, she was very difficult to defeat, and Sue Storm repeatedly fought her for control for years.

3 Nebula / Ravonna Renslayer

Comic book fans know Ravonna Renslayer is the lover of Kang The Conqueror. They may not know she was also an enemy of the Fantastic Four. While impersonating Nebula, she manipulated the team into going into the timestream in a massive gamble to achieve the power to destroy Kang.

Though Ravonna's powers and abilities are limited in nature, she was a master of disguise. Her ambitions also might be the greatest of any of the Fantastic Four's enemies. She very nearly succeeded in destroying the team by bringing them face to face with Galactus and the first use of the Ultimate Nullifier in Marvel Comics.

2 Nova

Nova isn't entirely a villain of the Fantastic Four, but as a herald of Galactus, she's inherently at odds with them. Frankie Raye was the Human Torch's girlfriend for a time, but then she accepted an offer by Galactus to become his herald.

She gained the Power Cosmic and assisted him without any reservations in his quest to consume worlds. With the Power Cosmic, she was able to fly at the speed of light, project devastating blasts of cosmic energy equal to that of solar flares, and manipulate cosmic energy at will.

1 Lyja

Lyja is a tragic figure who betrayed the Fantastic Four. A Skrull in disguise, she impersonated Alicia Masters for years in the comics, using her natural ability to shapeshift to spy on the team for her masters. She also has superhuman strength, agility, and stamina. Her Skrull physiology also includes wings, allowing her to fly.

Though she resisted her mission and did genuinely care for the team, she nevertheless carried it out, evidence of her focus and determination, both powerful assets that nearly brought down the Fantastic Four.

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